When Life Isn’t All Rainbows and Lollipops

And pixie dust just doesn’t cut it

Iva Ursano
4 min readDec 29, 2018
Photo by James Barr on Unsplash

If you follow me faithfully (oh come on, I know you do!) you know that I’m a pretty positive and bubbly girl and I love to spread sunshine and sprinkle pixie dust everywhere BUT you also know that I totally get that life serves us crap sometimes and we have to deal with it.

It deals us good, bad and ugly and sometimes we are left dealing with trauma from the past. That trauma comes with many triggers and emotions. Including stress.

You know, when life takes a turn for the worst, or should I say when days have gone bad or a trigger comes up there’s no pixie dust when these kinds of things happen. When life throws lemons and other random shit, no amount of pixie dust is gonna cheer us up.

And truth be told, we’re not really interested in rainbows and lollipops and pixie dust. We’re mad or sad or fed up or whatever and leave us the fuck alone or get the hell out of our way while we spew copious amounts of obscenities to the sky.

Are you with me so far?

When the good is good.

You know, when we’re walking on sunshine and happy as a pig in poop, we shout off the rooftops and make sure everyone knows we’re damn happy!

