
The Darker Side of Alzheimer’s That No One Tells You About

Why don’t they write about this?

Iva Ursano
4 min readMay 31, 2024


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Update: This is a previously written post that I felt needed to be refreshed and brought attention to again.

Before I start this ‘rant’ I am writing this the day after this sickening fucking disease took my mom’s self respect, dignity and life. She passed away Tuesday morning, although peacefully, a skeleton of a woman.

Brief history:

  • at age 65 she started showing signs of dementia
  • by 68 she had had a seizure that put her in the hospital
  • she lost all cognitive functioning by that point and was basically a zombie
  • she stayed in the hospital until a room opened up in a nursing home
  • she was raped by another patient while she was waiting
  • in the first nursing home, she was treated poorly
  • we finally got her into a lovely nursing home where she then rotted away for over 10 years and finally died.

Nice history, huh? What a disturbing timeline. Such disgrace!

Can you tell I’m a little bit angry? I am. I’m not sure what or who I’m angry with. Everything, God, the health…

