The Dark Side of an Optimist

Because I don’t always blow sunshine up people’s asses

Iva Ursano
4 min readJan 21, 2019

My good friend Dave labeled me the ‘quintessential optimist’. I love that term, “quintessential optimist” and I wear it with great pride. ….most days.

I mean, I’m probably one of the happiest bubbliest peeps you’ll ever meet. I flit around like a butterfly pointing and smiling at all kinds of ridiculous things marveling at just how beautiful they are!!

I will forget to watch for traffic and whoever is with me will shout “Iva watch out” but because I’m so fucking optimistic all the time, well fear not, that car/bus/motorcycle won’t hit me!! Don’t be silly.

The Awkward Yeti (Image used with permission from The Awkward Yeti-go visit them on Facebook)

Yup. I’m a butterfly…but. Not always.

I see the good in everyone all the time. I know there is good in everyone and every situation will turn out exactly the way it is supposed to. We can’t control people, places, things or events. I very much have a “whatever happens happens” kinda attitude.

That’s life baby, just roll with it.


