The 11:11 Angel Number. What Does it Really Mean For You?

Iva Ursano
3 min readAug 13, 2018

Not my usual type of post here but I thought I’d share it you all anyway ❤

Lately I’ve been seeing this number an awful lot. Like a mind boggling amount of times. It’s on my clock, it’s on posts on my Facebook feed, it’s …just…everywhere. Now you know I’m into Angels and their divinely guided messages and I know that this sequence of the 11:11 Angel number has some serious deep meaning to it. So what about you? Have you noticed this number popping up just about everywhere too?

Let’s dig a little deeper here.

Messages from the Angels

First we should know that number sequences of any pattern are messages from your Angels and the Spirits. Our Angels and Spirits deliver messages in many different ways. Through coins on the ground, a song, feathers, someone’s name, even through animals. Number sequences is another way they deliver messages and these messages hold intense meaning and power.

The sequence 444 for example means you need to have more faith and be confident. The number applies to your thoughts at the very moment you see these numbers. The numbers 555, which I actually happen to see a lot of too lately, means massive change is coming (yay) and possibly travel or expanding our horizons.

Numbers are a very precise and clear way that Angels send us messages. Pay attention to these.

11:11 Angel number

So what does this one mean? It’s a powerful one and the one that most people claim to see often. When you see the 11:11 Angel number take note of what you are doing or thinking at the time it shows itself. Are you working, are you frustrated, are you sad or happy or busy? Depending on how you are feeling at the time, the message may be stronger for you.

When you see the 11:11 Angel number the first initial meaning is Angels are close by, guiding and protecting you. They also want you to pay careful attention to your thoughts. Especially right at this very moment. Stop what you are doing and take note of what you are thinking about right now. They come with comfort and love so if you are feeling sad or depressed, they are here to give you hope. Listen and be open to this.

You are loved

Too often we hold limiting beliefs from our past that keep us stuck. We desperately want to move forward in life with a dream a goal an idea but we don’t because we think we are not worthy of having our dreams come true. We believe that success is for everyone else, not us.

The 11:11 Angel number means have faith, be confident, talk to your Angels and ask them for more guidance and assistance. Ask them for another sign, ask them to send you a sign that you may so desperately need in order to move forward with your dreams.

If you have a dream or goal, once it’s planted, the Universe is already working on delivering it to you BUT you get in your own way. You are stopping your dreams from coming true with your self doubt and limiting beliefs. Seeing the Angel number 11:11 is your sign to keep going. Stop the negative thoughts. Have more faith and know without a shadow of a doubt you are being divinely guided on this path of yours.

Pay attention and call

Next time you see the 11:11 Angel number, stop what you’re doing, pay attention to your thoughts at that exact moment and talk to your Angels. They are so close right now. Ask them for help in achieving your dreams or ask them for more confidence to live your life on purpose. Call on them. They are waiting for you to ask.

Peace and Love

xo iva xo

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Originally published at on August 13, 2018.

