Pink Floyd Totally Got it Right With This Song From 1975

That one time when the lyrics really hit hard.

Iva Ursano
6 min readJul 16, 2024

Do you ever really just sit and pay attention to the lyrics of a song, or do you just listen to the tune and simply sing along? I do both. Every now and then, a song’s lyrics will really hit me hard.

And I get them. I totally fucking get them.

So lately, I’ve been feeling rather pensive, to say the least. Turning 60 really smacked me upside the head. Not in a bad way. I guess you could say it really opened my eyes to things and life and people and…

so much stuff

It has me questioning my life, the people in my life, my existence, and what it means to not only me but to the people around me and the future.

What the hell is going on in the world? What’s wrong with people?

It has me wondering what any of this is all for. Am I on the right track? Am I just chasing rainbows and puppies now? I don’t know. I have no answers.

Only questions. So many questions.

This song

The other day I heard this song, and not even sure where I was or how it came across my path but one thing is certain, it hit me differently this time.

