No One Has a Fucking Clue What They’re Doing
We’re all just winging it
I saw this poster awhile ago and I absolutely love it. It probably is one of my favourite all time inspirational posters.
You can laugh at that poster all you want but the fact of the matter is, it’s true.
We don’t know what we’re doing. We’re just really good at pretending we are. We’re really good at ‘fake it til you make it’. I mean, don’t we all do that? Oh sure you can claim to know everything about something but………. you don’t.
You can spend time mapping things out, planning if you will, in hopes that things will go as you want them to. You can settle back in hopes that what you want will happen the way you want it.
In hopes. See that? We only hope things will go as we expect them to. Most times they do. Sometimes they don’t. Then what? We wing it or we head back to the drawing board.
With the right combination of hard work, determination and some planning, things can actually work out in your favour. Exactly how you want them to go.
Or they could completely bomb. Or they could exceed your expectations. You don’t know. No one does.
We’re all just winging it my friends. In hopes that it all works out.