Member-only story
No is a Complete Sentence
Sprinkle that shit everywhere.
Say it with me… No. How’d that feel? Say it with conviction now. NO!!
Not enough of us are using this word. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. We don’t want to upset the apple cart. We don’t want people to be mad at us…We don’t want…bla bla bla.
So in order to keep the peace and make everyone happy we say yes.
How’s that working for you? Wait, don’t tell me, I already know. You see, I used to be a people pleaser too.
“Yes sir no sir how high sir”. It was pathetic. I was pathetic.
And then one day I learned how to use my big girl voice and I found the word NO. I also found it was very liberating to say it. A lot.
I want you to try it. And then see how it feels. Please report back!
Follow me for more life tips. 😂😁
xo iva xo