Member-only story
Lost in a World of Acronyms
Wtf do they mean anyway??
I’ll admit. I’m lost. Lost in a world of acronyms. I can remember so many years ago when acronyms like ‘brb’, ‘fml’ ‘u2’ and ‘ttyl’ were just making their grand entrance into the online world.
I’ll also admit. I had to Google some of them. I would actually spend some time guessing what they might mean until I finally gave in and looked it up online.
I get that in this fast paced world where we are all so busy how acronyms can make our lives easier and less stressful. Because, you know, we’re really too busy to type out a whole sentence.
👉Especially this one ‘u2’. I mean, who on earth has time to type out ‘you too’? Certainly not me 🙄
There’s been a few new ones on the block that have me completely scratching my head. Hello Google, it’s me again 🧐.
I’ll be honest. I use acronyms sometimes. I have my favourites too. Like these ones (and I’ll save you the time of having to Google what they spell out):
- idgaf (I don’t give a fuck) 😐
- af (as fuck)😫
- smh (shaking my head)🙄
- wtf (what the fuck)😮