I’m Taking a Day Off Before I Die

Because Life is Too Fucking Short

Iva Ursano
5 min readJan 29, 2019

The other day I was having Amaretto tea with my dear friend here in Panajachel. Honestly, if you’ve never tried this tea, go get some. Yum.

Anyway we were talking about life and work and all other random things. It was nice to sit with her and chat. I don’t do that often enough. Actually, there are a lot of things I don’t do enough.

Like unplug.

I am plugged in almost 13 hours a day. It’s my life support. It’s my connection to the outside world. It’s my lifeline between me and other humans. Humans who get me, understand me, appreciate and support me. My online peeps.

But our conversation had me thinking. Good and hard. And it kinda scared me to be honest.

I have to say that my life since leaving Canada and moving to Guatemala has been a roller coaster of a ride. I’ve also in the last year become totally self employed meaning, no more social media clients. It was a scary ballsy move that had me scrambling in all of 2018 but it was something I felt needed to be done.

But because of this big bold move I’ve also been working 7 days a week, up to 13 hours a day some days. Oh sure, I take time for me here and there but not as much as I probably should.

