I’m Not Your Typical Self Help Guru

I promise not to choke you

Iva Ursano


Cute little me-photo credit Terry Roy Photography

Typing that out almost sounds funny. Self help guru. I think that’s what I am. 10 years ago? Absolutely not. But today? Sure. You can call me that. I mean, I do my best to help people see the good in life, let go of their past, embrace change, flick fear, bla bla bla….

All the typical self help guru stuff.

I blog about self help, even wrote a self help guide! I truly and sincerely want to inspire people so they can live a life they deserve. I believe that’s my purpose (along with feeding the hungry and fostering puppies).

Am I a guru? Probably, for lack of a better term I guess. According to Google this is what a guru is:

Guru is a Sanskrit term that connotes someone who is a “teacher, guide, expert, or master” of certain knowledge or field.

Looks good to me.

But I’m really not your ‘typical’ guru though. The typical guru rams self help down your throat until you choke on it. They make videos and buy ads to make sure you see them and their “special package offer”.

The typical guru has you believe their life and world is perfect. There is no vulnerability, little honesty and rarely any sincerity. They mostly just want you to buy their shit so they can then talk…

