If You’re Jealous, You’re Ugly and You Suck
And grow up.
One second, before you get mad at me. I have a little jealous blood that runs through my veins every now and then. Yup. I ain’t perfect. I’m embarrassed to actually admit to this, but I’m also always very honest with you guys. All the time.
You probably know more about my life now then my best friend does.
Anyway, let’s get back to this jealousy thing. The reason I’m writing this is because the jealousy monster has shown up again in my life and I had to beat it away with an ugly stick.
Someone once told me that jealousy makes a person ugly. He was right. It really does. And when I get in my jealous mood I feel ugly.
But I realized something else. Not only does it make me ugly, it also makes me selfish. I get into this ‘oh, it’s always about you’ mood and cry ‘me me me me meee, what about me?’
Ya it’s kinda pathetic to be honest. I suck.
There’s a girl here who’s always going on about her earnings. As soon as she posts them my first thought is ‘fuck off’. Oh ya. That’s ugly. But that’s not iva, that’s the little green monster inside of me called ‘jealousy’.
Yes I’m jealous of her and her ridiculously amazing monthly earnings but I’m also really really proud of her. But…