I’d Rather Be Alone Than Be With You

You=the wrong person

Iva Ursano
4 min readDec 11, 2018

To be alone or not to be. To be lonely or not to be. Which is it? Are you lonely or alone? Maybe a bit of both? Is it really better to be alone than it is to be lonely? Being lonely certainly does suck but it’s way better than being with the wrong person.

I’ve been alone and lonely at the same time in a relationship and both on my own as a single person. For me, as a Libra, I’ve always had the desire, the longing and the yearning to be part of duo, a team, a relationship, his princess, somebody’s wife. I’ve longed for it, wanted it so bad it almost hurt to not have it. A Libra woman likes to be in a relationship. We like balance.

To not have this causes a great deal of anxiety. For me, anyway. Or should I say, it used to. Not so much anymore. At 56 years old I’ve learned to love my own company and everything about me but I do have to admit, as a single woman, sometimes I do get slightly lonely, very rarely but it happens. Being lonely feels slightly different to me now.

There are times when I wish I had someone to walk down the street holding hands with, someone to have a nice romantic dinner with, someone to surprise me with a lovely bouquet of flowers. Yup, sometimes I wish for all that again. But……….

Being alone…

