Member-only story
A Year in Review-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
A collection of love, misery and shit
You’ll always know when I have writer’s block when I come up with articles like this one. I seriously have nothing to write about today, nothing of much interest anyway, so I put together a collection for you of the some of the good, the funny and the bad.
Not to say that this will be interesting for you but it’s all I got for you for now. Hope you like it.
I’m sharing some of the reader’s favourite stories, the funniest and the bombs.
I’ve decided to share 9 stories, 3 bad ones, 3 funny ones and 3 powerful ones.
Up first, the bombs, the bad ones.
These are the ones that no one liked or at least, didn’t see. I don’t think they are bad stories, they just didn’t get much love. I offer them up to you so you can love on them ❤
If You’re Life Is Shit It’s Your Own Damn Fault
For some reason, this went unnoticed and in my opinion, it’s a damn good one.