A Day in the Life of a Freelancer With an Addiction

Iva Ursano
6 min readAug 26, 2018
Photo by Felipe P. Lima Rizo on Unsplash

I often get asked why I work so much. Don’t you do anything else? You sit at your computer up to 14 hours a day and work? Yup, I sure do. I work all damn day but you have to know, I really truly love what I do. For now, I can’t imagine doing anything else except for maybe playing with puppies and kids. ❤

I used to think that a freelancer life was a glamorous one. I’ve seen the pictures. You’ve all seen them.


Some chick chilling out by the ocean, some sitting in a hammock with a laptop in the mountains with a view of the world. It all looks so glamorous.

It’s not. Not for this freelancer anyway. And before I go on, know that I am in no way, shape or form complaining about my life. I fucking love my life hard. But it’s not glamorous. Not for me anyway. Especially because while I’m working I’m constantly battling addiction demons.

So in case you don’t know, I am currently residing in Guatemala for two reasons: 1) I’m from Northern Ontario and I hate winter and 2) I am here to help feed hungry bellies (which now includes puppies). I traded in my 25+ yr career as a hairstylist for this life. It’s what I wanted, and what I signed up for.

Was I hoping to be sitting in a hammock by the ocean with my laptop writing and drinking margaritas? Mebbe. Anyway, that so doesn’t happen.

A ‘typical’ day for me goes something like this….

Wake up whenever, usually 7 ish, hand on my heart and say thank you to God for another day. Smile, get out of bed, say my morning prayers, (do I have any cigarettes this morning?) scramble to find my jammies and go make coffee.

While coffee is brewing I check the door to see if there are puppies outside sleeping. (shit I don’t have any cigarettes, fuck) This article will explain why sometimes I have puppies and sometimes I don’t.

