Pinned15 Things Women Over 50 Don’t GAF AboutAnd neither should you, ever.May 14, 2024104May 14, 2024104
Pinned10 Strange and Depressing Things That Happened to My Body After 60I need an answer to number 4 please.May 12, 2024153May 12, 2024153
PinnedGoogle Has Decimated Blogging-Now What?On throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping some sticksSep 5, 2024177Sep 5, 2024177
Pinned23 Regrets From a 60-Year-Old WomanI wish I did #1 more but #23 would have been life-changing.Apr 18, 2024339Apr 18, 2024339
10 Reasons You Probably Won’t Reach Your Goals This YearSomeone has to tell you. It may as well be me.4d ago24d ago2
Hiding Our Age Behind Makeup and BotoxI just can’t anymore. Why are women desperately trying to look 25 when it’s clear they’re not!? This whole article may just be me ranting…Jan 306Jan 306
50 Things Everyone Under 50 Years Old Needs to KnowActually, it’s not your age that matters the most; it’s your understanding of these things.Jan 229Jan 229
How Much I Made My First Month on the YouTube Partner ProgramCan you handle another ‘income story’? I’ll share some tips with you, too!!Jan 144Jan 144
My Body is Falling Apart, But Does it Have to Take My Mind Too?Why didn’t anyone warn me it was going to be like this?Jan 927Jan 927
I’m Writing My Own ObituaryBecause there’s no need to sugarcoat or add fluff to my life. I was not the loving daughter of anyone.Dec 30, 202411Dec 30, 202411